
Last Updated:


(Revised 2/13, 2/22) 

The Library strives to be a responsible steward of its resources, including decreasing its impact on the environment.  Toward that end, the Library shall, wherever practicable and efficient, endeavor to use sustainable and environmentally sound practices in purchasing supplies and equipment for the Library.

The Director is responsible for the signing and maintaining of purchase orders. The Director may delegate portions of that duty to appropriate staff. 

All services procured by the Library require a written contract. The Director is responsible for the signing and maintaining of contracts. The Director may delegate portions of that duty to appropriate staff. 

All Library purchases will be made in a lawful manner. Purchases that must by law be made through the competitive bidding process are to be made through the competitive bidding process. 

The competitive bidding threshold under General Municipal Law for contracts for public works is $35,000 and the threshold for purchase contracts is $20,000. 

If, in the opinion of the Director, a purchase that exceeds the thresholds needs not be subject to competitive bidding, the Director will make a recommendation for purchase to the Board of Trustees and present the reasons why bidding is not required. This will be done at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees. The Board must agree by legal vote with the Director’s recommendation for the purchase to be made. Reasons to dispense with competitive bidding may include emergencies, leases, professional services that require special skill or training, and sole source procurements. 

Goods and services which are not required by law to be procured by the Library through competitive bidding will be procured in a manner so as to ensure the prudent and economical use of public monies. Alternative proposals or quotations will be secured by requests for proposals, written or verbal quotations or any other appropriate method of procurement, as set forth below: 

  • Verbal Quotations: The purchase log or other record will set forth, at a minimum, the date, item or service desired, price quoted, name of vendor, name of vendor’s representative. 
  • Written Quotations: Vendors will provide, at a minimum, the date, description of the item or details of service to be provided, price quoted, name of contact. 
  • Request for Proposals (RFP): For professional services the Library will contract a number of professionals and request that they submit written proposals. The RFP response evaluation and review process should include sufficient inquiry into whether the party ultimately awarded the contract is capable of performing the contract. In the event that a professional service is required an appropriate Request for Proposals will be prepared by the Director. 

When it is in the Library’s benefit to add to or upgrade an existing system or equipment by using the same vendor who supplied the original existing system or equipment the Director must get Board approval before making such a purchase if the purchase will exceed the competitive bidding threshold. 

Items or services costing at least $10,000 will be brought to the attention of the full Board of Trustees for discussion and approval. 

In the event of a serious emergency that threatens safety or the ability of the Library to stay open to the public the Director is authorized to take necessary action, the cost of which shall not to exceed $25,000, if calling an emergency meeting of the Board of Trustees beforehand is not practical. 

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